Realism surrounds us. We are, and our environment is, logical realism. We live it daily and it passes around and through us unnoticed or taken for granted.
In my art I seek to both note the mundane and juxtapose elements of reality, to present what we know in a surreal illogical way, or in a way we wish to see, to evoke emotion. My works in many mediums are unique from each other yet have this common thread.
My inspiration, style and concept change and grow. My knowledge grows and the art I create changes as i do. Each piece I create reflects my core, my passion, it is essentially a culmination of all I know and a step forward in to new knowledge, an embodiment of history and future, and a voyage in to my imagination.
In my work you will see traditional methods such as photography, drawing and painting, what you may not recognise is a cross pollination of media, a non traditional use of clay or paint, technology applied to drawing and photography for example.
I see myself as painter, a photographer, a sculptor, a teacher, a student, an artist and much more. I enjoy the idea that i can create each piece by drawing from a multitude of skills or focus on traditional methods to create functional or non functional form, and art that stimulates the senses.
I am passionate about actualising ideas and concepts through art process, without which art would not exist.
If a viewer stops to reflect on my work and experiences an emotive response, be it positive or otherwise, I have succeeded in my work.